A Comparison Study of Language Ability, Mental Ability Development, and Learning Behavior for Children of Foreign Bride Families in Pingtung Author:鍾鳳嬌 Feng-Chiao Chung, 王國川 Kuo-Chang Wang, 陳永朗 Yong-Lang Chen
Research Article
The main purposes of the present study were to compare the mental development of children who were born in foreign bride families with their classmates from native bride families in Pingtung county. Eighty children from the families of foreign brides and 80 of their counterparts from the native bride families participated in this study. All children were assessed with standardized measurements for their language ability, mental ability development, and learning behavior. The results indicated that, for children from foreign bride families, no significant differences were found in language ability, mental ability, and learning behavior regardless of family income levels and parents’ education level. However, the children from foreign bride families were lower in language and mental ability than their counterparts from native bride families. There were no significant differences in learning behavior between the children of foreign bride families and those of native bride families.