National Taiwan Normal University
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371 publication date:Sep, 2005
Cultural Shock in Counseling: The Experiences of Taiwanese Counselors
    Author:洪莉竹 Li-Chu Hung, 陳秉華 Ping-Hwa Chen
Research Article

 The purpose of the study is to explore the counselors’ experiences, including the cultural beliefs shock, the beliefs regulation, in the counseling context in Taiwan. We are interested in three issues:(1) The experiences of the counselors’ cultural shock when they are learning and practicing Western theories of counseling which are different from the basic beliefs of Chinese culture. (2) The reflections of the cultural shock and beliefs regulation. (3) The cultural meaning of those beliefs shock and beliefs regulation in counseling context. Individual in-dept interview method was employed to collect data, and twelve Taiwanese counselors were interviewed. Interviewed data were transcribed and further analyzed using a ground theory method. The main findings are: First, the cultural shocks of the counselors are including the issues about humanity, self, interpersonal relationships, counseling, and culture. Second, the cultural reflections and modifications of the counselors are: (a) regarding social context as important as developing self- determination, (b) considering the characteristics of relationship dominance in Chinese culture, (c) increasing self-acceptance and expanding the viewpoint of life, (d) recognizing the difference between the form of counseling and the experiences of Taiwanese clients, and undertaking to modifying, (e) showing concern the cultural influences on persons, and respecting each culture. The conclusion in our research is: To increase the use of counseling, Taiwanese counselors have to recognizing and understanding the conflict between counseling beliefs based Western culture and the basic beliefs in Chinese culture on the bases of respecting the unique of each culture.


關鍵詞: counseling, Chinese culture, cultural beliefs shock,beliefs regulation

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