National Taiwan Normal University
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362 publication date:Dec, 2004
The Study of Contingent Decision Strategies Used in Decision Process :A Computer Simulation Approach
Research Article

 The purpose of this study was to explore how the individual contingently uses decision strategies to solve the decision problems. In the study , the effort/accuracy tradeoff model was used as the framework and the production system was used to model the mental processes of the choice strategies. The concepts of elementary information processing (EIP) and relative accuracy (RA) were also used to measure the effort and accuracy in the decision process. A computer simulation was undertaken to compare different strategies of effort and accuracy in various decision environments. The results suggest that no single strategy did well across all task and context conditions under the consideration of saving effort and gaining high accuracy. The finding indicates that under the higher time pressure and larger task size condition, several heuristic strategies were more accurate than the truncated normative strategy. Therefore, under the consideration of effort and accuracy tradeoff, decision-makers use a variety of strategies contingent upon a number of task and context variables.


關鍵詞: contingency, computer simulation, decision making, heuristics

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