National Taiwan Normal University
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361 publication date:Sep, 2004
The emotional map of intern teachers : A social-constructivist perspective
    Author:江文慈 Wen-tzu Chiang
Research Article

 This study aimed to explore the emotional map of intern teachers from a social-constructivist perspective. Systematic understanding of how intern teachers´ emotions were shaped by the variable and changing conditions of their work, and how these emotions were manifested in their interactions with significant others. The concept of emotional distance helped us identify the supports for and threats to the basic emotional bonds and understandings of mentoring that arise from forms of distance or closeness in people´s interactions or relationships. I used qualitative approach and grounded theory strategy to explore the research issues, through journals and interviews to get data. The results described five emotional distances of intern teachers:role identity, hierarchical power, organizational culture, working competition, interpersonal attitude. Bases on these results, some reflections on practicum policy, teacher education and future research were discussed.


Keywords: social-constructivist , emotional map, emotional distance, intern teachers

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