National Taiwan Normal University
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354 publication date:Jun, 2004
The Effects of Repeated Reading and Text Difficulty on Fifth Grade Reading Performance
    Author:吳宜貞 Chen Wu
Research Article

 This study used a 3 (once vs. twice vs. three times) X 2 (easy vs. hard) experimental design to estimate the effects of the text difficulty and repeated reading on fifth graders’ comprehension performance. The participants were 124 fifth graders. Students were randomly assigned to each experimental condition by class. With regard to the reading time, the results showed that no significant difference was found between groups on the first reading time. The total reading time was increased while the repeated times was increased. With regard to the hard test, the students in the two-reading and three-reading groups had a significantly higher comprehension ability than students in the one-reading group.  However, no significant difference was found with the easy text.  With regard to the different reading ability groups, different reading ability had different growth pattern of reading comprehension on different text difficulty.  According to these results, in addition to reading an article repeatedly, teachers should provide the appropriate instruction to students with different reading ability based on their reading abilities and the text difficulty, in order to improve the students reading performance.


關鍵詞: reading comprehension, repeated reading, growth pattern of reading ability

Natural Science Learning Effect

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