National Taiwan Normal University
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351 publication date:Sep, 2003
Verification of Inferiority Coping Model:An Empirical Study of Supportive Guidance Program for Vocational College Students
    Author:鄭芬蘭 Finland Cheng
Research Article

 By verifying the goodness-of-fit of the Inferiority Coping Model, the effects of a supportive guidance program for vocational college students was evaluated. Survey samples were collected and analyzed, adopting the weighted least square method to test the effectiveness of the model. Evaluated basic goodness-of-fit indices, internal and external quality of structure, indicated empirically a good fit with the model. Therefore, the empirical model could explain how feelings of inferiority, coping strategies, and living adaptation are related. Our results further demonstrated that feelings of inferiority could influence living adaptation by influencing problem-solving copying strategies. Restated, problem-solving copying strategies are the most prominent mediator between feelings of inferiority and living adaptation. Further analysis using a pretest-posttest, nonequivalent group mixed design to evaluate the effectiveness of the supportive guidance program, indicated that the program partially contributed to overcoming feelings of inferiority. Results further suggest that the qualitative paradigm can be adopted to discussing the category of coping strategies, as well as clarifying the most effective mechanism among related variables. Limitations are statistical approach and sample size. Results of this study may provide valuable information for counseling vocational college students.



關鍵詞: Feelings of inferiority, coping strategy, living adaptation, coping model, guidance program

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