National Taiwan Normal University
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332 publication date:Apr, 2002
The relationships among college students’ academic tasks, motivational problems, and self-regulated learning strategies
    Author:程炳林 Biing-Lin Cherng
Research Article

  Recent research on self-regulated learning has showed students regulated their level of effort by using a variety of regulated strategies. Much of this research has explored these strategies without consideration of interaction between contexts and regulated strategies. The purposes of this study were to explore what regulated strategies college students use and interaction among academic tasks, motivational problems, and students’ regulated strategies. Subjects were 109 students from two universities in Taiwan southern area. The instrument employed in this study was Regulated Strategies Open-ended Questionnaire. Results showed that (a) students used a variety of motivational, cognitive, metacognitive, and action control strategies in learning contexts; (b) when faced with difficult course material, studying for an exam, and reading a textbook chapter subjects reported more regulated strategies use than the other learning contexts; (c) the students’ course work and exam performance could be effectively predicted by their regulated strategies; (d) students’ reported use of regulated strategies varied across different academic learning tasks and motivational problems. When faced with difficult course material students tended to use more information-processing and metacognitive strategies. Students reported more motivational regulation in response to material described as not important or lacked value. When faced with course material that was boring, students tended to use more action control strategy. These results supported the view that self-regulated learners adapted their strategy use to fit situational demands. Implications for theory and research are discussed.



Keywords: self-regulated learning, motivational regulation, cognitive strategy, metacognitive strategies, action control

The Relationships Between Domain-Specific Self-Concepts and Global Self-Esteem Among Adolescents in Taiwan (臺灣青少年多重向度自我概念與整體自尊關係之比較研究)

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