National Taiwan Normal University
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331 publication date:Oct, 2001
The Effects of Integrated Teaching Model of Multiple Intelligences and Problem-Solving on Mathematics Performance of Elementary School Students
    Author:林奕宏 Yi-Hong Lin, 張景媛 Ching-Yuan Chang
Research Article

  The major purpose of this study was to explore the effect of Integrated Teaching Model of Multiple Intelligences and Problem-Solving on elementary school students’ mathematics achievement, problem-solving process, and mathematics attitude. This study combined the theory of multiple intelligences with problem-solving teaching strategy to form the Integrated Teaching Model of Multiple Intelligences and Problem-Solving. Our subjects include two sixth-grade classes, one class was the experimental group, and the other was the control group. The teacher in the control group conducted the traditional instruction. After a whole semester’s experimental intervention, the results showed that: about mathematics achievement, the experimental group student’s performance was better than the control group’s; about problem-solving process, the performance of the experimental group students on the ability of self-expression, to form a goal and to transfer laterally, as well as the problem-solving process, and accuracy numbers were better than those of the control group; the middle and high achievement students in the experimental group perform better on diagramming than control group students; about mathematics attitude, the experimental group students’ mathematics attitude, confidence in mathematics-learning, and motive of mathematics-exploring were enhanced; the experimental group students’ mathematics attitude with the features of: “student-centered learning”, “to apply the mathematics concepts in daily life”, “wide mathematics schema”, and “focus on student-student interaction”.



Keywords: multiple intelligences, problem-solving, mathematics teaching

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