A Study of Students´ Attitude Toward the Electronic Portfolio Practice Author:岳修平 Hsiu-Ping Yueh, 王郁青 Yu-Ching Wang
Research Article
While the pendulum swings in the field of measurement in education, alternative assessment tool such as portfolio assessment has been the focus of many educators. As a useful tool to assess students´ learning in more authentic ways, portfolio assessment is also considered as a learning and instructional tool.Electronicportfolios can be more powerful tools than traditional portfolios with multimedia technology supports. This study implements an electronic portfolio practice in avideo-conferencing distance learning course with one local classroom at National Taiwan University and two classes at other universities. The purposes of this empirical study were to assess the effectiveness of the electronic portfolio practice on facilitating teaching and learning, as well as to understand students´ attitude toward this practice. Results of this study have shown that the quality of students´ electronic portfolio products has high correlation with their personal computer abilities and network experiences. Besides, all students show high attitude toward the application of electronic portfolio practice on facilitating their learning and classroom evaluation. However, there is no significant correlation between students´ attitude scores and their grades in this study.