The Effects of Action vs. State Orientation,Goal Level, and Task Complexity on Junior High School Students´ Action Control Strategies and Task Performance Author:程炳林 Biing-Lin Cherng
Research Article
The purposes of this study was to test the interaction effects among action vs. state orientation, goal level, and task complexity on junior high school students´ action control strategies and task performance (including writing quantify and quality). For this purpose, a2×2×2(action vs. state orientation×goal level×task complexity) experimental design was adopted. 320 Subjects (action orientation 160, state orientation 160) were selected from 4 junior high schools and randomly assigned to one of the eight experimental conditions. Three-way ANOVA was employed to analyze the data. The results showed that There were significant three-way interaction effects among action vs. state orientation, goal level, and task complexity on subjects´ action control strategies and writing quantify and two-way significant interaction effects between goal level and task complexity on subjects´ writing quality.