National Taiwan Normal University
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311 publication date:Jul, 1999
The Study on Cognitive Component Analysis of the Number Series Completion Test
    Author:林世華 Shih-Hwa Lin, 葉嘉惠 Chia-Huei Yeh
Research Article

 The purposes of this study were to decompose the difficulty level of number series completion task, and to examine if the constructs for detecting regular number series and irregular number series are different. The study was conducted with the pretest data of the math test in the Youth Intelligence Test, and focused on the test component analysis and the component parameter estimation that were calculated by using stepwise regression model and the Linear Logistic Latent Trait Model. 

The major findings of this study are as follows: 

1. The constructs to solve both regular number series items and irregular number series items are of the same dimension. 

2. The major difficulty accountability of number series completion task comes from three components: if the series is moving or not, period of the series, and if the series is spurious identity or not. These three components significantly and positively related to the difficulty level of number series completion task. 

3. In several cases, the interaction term among the components is able to account for the difficulty level of number series completion task. 

4. The result shows that both stepwise regression and LLTM methods for estimation of component parameter are similar.



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