National Taiwan Normal University
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302 publication date:Dec, 1998
A Report on the Construction of Value Concept Inventory for Junior High School Students
    Author:簡茂發 Maw-Fa Chien, 何榮桂 Rong-Guey Ho, 張景媛 Ching-Yuan Chang
Research Article

 The purpose of this study was to develop a value concept inventory for junior high school students. The results of this inventory can be used for guidance, counseling, and research. The inventory consists of seven subscales: physiological value, psychological value, interpersonal value, affectional value, vocational value, moral value, and human life value. The items were presented by the style of independent sentence with 4 point scale. The subjects could answer the questions according to the importance of the values. The items were developed referring to the junior high screened by item analysis. After screening, except the human lift value subscale has 10 items, each of the other subscales has 12 items. The whole inventory has 82 items. In takes about 30 minutes to complete the administration of the inventory. The test-retest reliability ranged from .47~.48, and Cronbach α ranged from .75~.90. the validity was accepted by the tests of exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factory analysis, and differential test. In order to explain the results of the inventory, each grade, sex, region, and whole students´ percentile norms were established. Additionally, each grade, sex, region, and whole students´ T score norm were established, too.



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