National Taiwan Normal University
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302 publication date:Dec, 1998
The Structure Analysis of Career Consturct System for Junior High School Students
    Author:金樹人 Shuh-Ren Jin, 許宏彬 Hung-Bin Sheu
Research Article

The purpose of this study is to explore the content and the structure of the career construction systems of junior high students in Taiwan. 

The research participants were forty-eight junior high students in grade three. A repertory grid technique based on Kelly´s personal construct theory was carefully revised and adapted as research methods especially for the students in these ages. The participants were requested to finish a repertory grid and to accept an one-hour interview. Twenty constructs were extracted by the data of repertory grid and the text analyzed by the qualitative method of Hycner´s (1985) phenomenological analysis of interview data, representing peripheral career values in its nature. As to the structure analyses, each participant´s data was analyzed by the cognitive differentiation, cognitive integration, conflict ratio and the focus profile. Eight types of the participants were categorized by the degree of differentiation, integration and conflict ratio: Primitivity A, Primitivity B, Preemption A, Preemption B, Circumspection A, Circumspection B, Control A, and Control B. The nature of the career construction systems and the implications for counseling for different categories were suggested.




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