The purpose of this study is to examine the functions and characteristics of material arts intervention in an university student growth group. An intensive analysis of one group member’s Experiencing process was also examined.
Functions and characteristics of this group were explored by interviewing each group member at the end of the group and eight months after. Group member reported that material art intervention made them feel playful. Material art was viewed as a useful tool for facilitating self-awareness, self-communication, self-understanding, self-expression and emotional catharsis. Material art also enshrined with symbolic meaning to be fancied and rehearsed mentally. Eight months follow-up interviewing data revealed that group member assured the following sustaining effects:to provide an alternative for self-understanding; to sense happiness, freedom, and compelling passion through art creation; to be more sensitive and expressive in feelings;to be more self-accepting;to be able to endure the image from art creation; to provide a tool for nutual communica-tion; to pertain sedimentation through time.
An intensive analysis was carried to examine one selected male group member’s Experiencing process change. Verbal contents were recorded and analyzed by using Klein’s (1983) Experiencing Scale. The findings of the intensive study on this particular member were: Experiencing is of a dynamic process, but it does not change along with the group session increased; The Experiencing process in this member mostly ranged between the third and the forth stage on the Experiencing Scale; This member expressed himself with difficuties in freely releasing feelings and experiencing it into a purposeful exploration and a more detailed narration. It was also found that this member had attempted to explore feelings, narrated himself in detail, elaborared his inner self, concen-trated on his inner experience; expanded his potential of self-awareness to come up with the capability of insight.
Based on the above findings, discussion and suggestion for practice works and future studies were proposed.