National Taiwan Normal University
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28 publication date:Sep, 1996
The Relationship among Causual Attributions, Academic Risk Taking and School Failure Tolerance in Junior High School Students
    Author:郭生玉 Sheng-Yu Kuo
Research Article

The purposes of this research were twofold: (1) to investigate the correlations among causual attributions for success and failure, academic risk taking and school failure tolerance. (2) to compar the differences of academic risk taking and school failure tolerance among four attribution types. The subjects for this study included 452 (193 boys, 259 girls) students who were drawn from two junior high schools in Taipei city. In terms of scores on causual attributions for success scale, the subjects were classified into four groups: 32 for internal attributions, 35 for external attributions, 48 for ability attributions and 52 for effort attributions. Also, based on the scores on causual attributions for failure scale, the subjects were classified into four groups: 65 for internal attributions,60 for external attributions, 81 for ability attributions and 76 for effort attributions. They were administered a cognitive skill risk taking test, school failure tolerance scale, and learning attribution scale. The data were analyzed by product-moment correlation, one-way analysis of variance and multivariate analysis of variance. The main findings were asfollows: 1. In the causual attibutions for sucess and failure, most correlations beteeen four factors of causual attributions and three scores of school failure tolerance were significant, but only a few significant correlations were found between causual attributions and academic risk taking. 2. In the causual attributions for sucess and failure, there were no significant differences on academic risk taking scores between internal and external attribution students. However, students with ability attributions scored higher on academic risk taking scores than students with effort attributions in success situation. But no significant difference was found in failure situation. 3. There were no significant differences on school failure tolerance scores between internal and external attribution students, or between abiliyt and effort attribution students in both attributions for success and failure.


關鍵詞: Causal attribution; Academic risk taking; School failure tolerance

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