National Taiwan Normal University
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28 publication date:Sep, 1996
The Effects of the Training Program of Learning Strategy on Junior High School Students´ Reading Comprehension Learning
    Author:陳李綢 Li-Chou Chen
Research Article

There were two purposes in the study: (1) to design a program of reading comprehension strategy for Chinese Junior High school students; (2) to test the applicability of the program and to find out the efficiency of reading comprehension strategy. One hundred and sixty students of junior high school were randomly assigned to two groups. One as the experimental group (EG) (male 40, female 40), one as the control group (CG) (male 40, female 40). In EG, subjects were accepted the training of reading comprehension strategy. In CG, subjects were accepted traditional Chinese verbal learning. The subjects evaluated the chinese vernacular and classical Chinese reading tests. The data was analyzed by ANCOVA with pretest academic Chinese reading test as covariates. The results were as follows: (1) After one week training, both scores of Chinese vernacular and classical Chinese reading comprehension tests of the EG were higher than those of the CG. It showed that the program of reading comprehension strategy could lead immediately reading effects and transferring effects of subsequently learned materials. (2) After six weeks training, both scores of Chinese vernacular and classical Chinese reading comprehension tests of the EG were also higher than those of the CG. It showed that the program of reading comprehension strategy could lead latent reading effects and delayed transference of reading materials. (3) It showed that the score of Chinese academic achievement test of the EG was higher than the CG. It revealed that the reading comprehension strategy could be valid in Chinese learning.


關鍵詞: learning strategy; reading comprehension; verbal learning; immediately reading effect; immediately transferring effect; latent reading effect; delayed transferring effect

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