National Taiwan Normal University
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28 publication date:Sep, 1996
A Study on College Student´s Psychological Separation-Individuation Change in Counseling
    Author:陳秉華 Ping-Hwa Chen
Research Article

The study is aimed to explore and develop a counseling process change model in resolving college student´s psychological separation-individuation conflict. Four female college students having emotional conflicts with their parents received brief individual counseling. The study was conducted using discovery-oriented qualitative research method. Each counseling session was audiotaped and transcribed into verbatim. Each student client was also interviewed after each counseling session to gain more information about the impacts received from the counseling. Data were analyzed by content analysis according to the themes emerged from the verbatims and the interviews. The main themes relating to the issue of separation-individuation conflict included: the distant and conflicting family climate, cross-generation conflicting attitude, parental over-controlling, parental emotional unstability, negative feelings in the interaction with parents, the need for receiving emotional support from parents, the need to please and obey parents, guilt feeling, avoidance response, being family care-taker, and the negative self-esteem. The themes occured in the counseling change model included: the client´s expectation, the description of interaction with parents, the awareness and acceptance of negative emotions, the inspiration of change motive, the deeper exploration and gaining new understanding of the influence received from the family, the interactional process of psychological separation and self-support enhancement, and the attainment of counseling goal. The outcomes of the counseling were positive. All four student clients felt more autonomous and self-confident. They also reported the improvements of the parental relationship. The discussion and suggestion about the development of counseling change model of separation and individuation were raised at the end of the article.



關鍵詞: psychological separation-individuation conflict, change process in counseling, discovery-oriented qualitative research method

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