Impact of Job Stress on Job Satisfaction and Burnout: A Meta-Analysis Author:黃寶園 Bao-Yuan Huang
Research Article
The purpose of this study was to examine a theoretical model involving. Job stress, job satisfaction, and burnout. An initial comprehensive electronic search for relevant literature and research was conducted. A meta-analysis was used to analyze the correlation between the variables. There were 45 correlation coefficients among 10 variables forming the matrix. The correlation coefficients reached significant difference. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to assess the relation between the model ‘job stress-job satisfaction, burnout’ and the observed data. Job stress had direct effects on burnout job, job satisfaction’s effect was indirect. In contrast, job satisfaction had a significant negative impact on burnout. The result indicated that the associations between job stress and burnout were reduced when job satisfaction was taken into account. There was support for the model that the relationships between job stress and burnout were mediated, by job satisfaction.