National Taiwan Normal University
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402 publication date:Dec, 2008
Do significant Others’ Feedback Iinfluence one’s Creative Bhavior? - Using Structural Equation Modeling to Examine Creativity Self- Efficacy and Creativity Motivation Mediation Effect
    Author:洪素蘋 Su-Pin Hung, 黃宏宇 Hung-Yu Huang, 林珊如 Sunny. S. J. Lin
Research Article

 This study aimed to construct a model of significant others’ feedback, inner process, and creative behavior based on social cognitive theory, and explored the role of creative self-efficacy in one’s inner process. Participants were 636 undergraduates from six universities in Northern Taiwan. The results were analyzed using three methods. First, we compared Model 1 (- creative self-efficacy influencing intrinsic motivation and, extrinsic motivation) and Model 2 (- creative self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation were parallel). The result indicated that Model 1 is a better fit with data than Model 2, which supported social cognitive theory. Second, the result showed that positive feedback was directly predictive of creative self-efficacy and extrinsic motivation, as suggested by hypothesis suggested , but not predictive of intrinsic motivation. Third, people perceived positive feedback and negative feedback from their significant others, though could not directly predict creative behavior; they displayed indirect effect on creative behavior through mediated variables. Therefore, it seems reasonable to conclude that when individuals receive feedback, one often evaluates the task and feedback. Then the evaluation outcomes that we called creative self-efficacy will affect one’s motivation which in turn affects creative behavior. Based on these results, recommendations for future research are discussed.



關鍵詞: creative motivation, creative self-efficacy, feedback from significant others

Research on Personal Trait Measurement and Adaptive Index of Junior High School Students in Taiwan

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