National Taiwan Normal University
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402 publication date:Dec, 2008
Research on Personal Trait Measurement and Adaptive Index of Junior High School Students in Taiwan
    Author:陳李綢 Lee-Chou Chen
Research Article

   The purposes of this research were to construct the Scale of Personal Trait suitable for use with junior high school students, to develop an adaptive index for their PT measurements, and to compare the PTs of students with different backgrounds (region, school, grade, sex, family structure, parental educational level and profession). From a sample of 1,479 junior and senior high school students in Taiwan, factors and indices for the PT Scales were determined through analyses of various items and factors. Reliability, validity, and norm of the Scales were then examined upon the scales’ completion.

    Results showed that: PT Scales were capable of effectively measuring 5 separate abilities: innovation, emotionality, consideration, optimist, and decisiveness. The average scores for consideration and decisiveness differ among students from different regions; the average values for innovation, and optimist differ among students from different grades. Students with different birth orders also differ in total PT scores and in individual innovation, consideration, and decisiveness scores. Female students tend to have higher scores on PT total scale, individual emotionality, consideration, and decisiveness scales than male students. Finally, for most of the students with different birth orders, parental educational level or profession were not related to PT scores. Only the average values for innovation differ among students with different father’s educational level and professions.


關鍵詞: consideration, decisiveness, emotionality, innovation, optimist

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