Agreements on Working Alliance and Session Impact in Cybercounseling and Interview Counseling Author:李偉斌 Wei-Pin Li, 陳慶福 Ching-Fu Chen, 王智弘 Chih-Hung Wang
Research Article
This study examined counselor-client concurrence and variation on working alliance and session impact in cybercounseling and face-to-face counseling conditions. Counselors were three second-year graduate students in a counseling practicum who provided 50-minute sessions to clients through cybercounseling and face-to-face counseling. After each session, counselors and clients independently completed the Working Alliance Inventory (WAI) and Session Impact Questionnaire (SEQ) to assess the strength of working alliance and impact of counseling session. Transcripts from both cybercounseling and face-to-face counseling sessions were analyzed using the helping skill system developed by Hill and O’Brien (1999). Results indicated the following: In cybercounseling condition, counselors used open-ended and close-ended questions the most, and challenging the least. In face-to-face counseling condition, counselors used close-ended questions and restatement the most. Working alliance has an increasing trend both cypbercounseling and face-to-face counseling conditions, while session impact (coherence, depth, & positivity) varied according to the number of sessions.