The objective of this study was to develop for college students a personality test which can be used for guidance, counseling, and research purposes. The test consists of twelve subscales: abasement, achievement, affiliation, aggression, autonomy, change, dominance, endurance, exhibition, nurturance, order, and succorance. Each subscale has 9 items, one of which was randomly selected for examining the response consistency. It will take about 50 minutes to complete the administration of the test. The test-retest reliability coefficients at a two-week interval, for all subscales ranged from .68 to .85, and the Cronbach´s α, from .68 to .86. The criterion-related validities by using the Personality Test for College Students as criterion were demonstrated satisfactory. 4058 subjects drawn from 17 universities and 15 colleges were served as the standardization sample to establish the percentil norms.