The purpose of this study is to propse a set of systematic plan of career guidance, so as to aid junior high school students in self-under standing, understanding the work-world, career-decision-making and career-planning. Four procedures are followed for conducting this study. First, depth interview was conducted with60 subjects, so as to ecilit information about the state of career guidance work and existent difficulties in the junior high schools. The subjects include principals, experts of career guidance, educational executives, workers in occupatoinal training centers and career placement organizations, directors of counseling center, teachers and students in the third grade in the junior high school. Secondly, based on related literature and the results of depth interview, "Approaches to Career Guidance for Junior High School Teachers" was propsed and then discussed and revised by experts in this field. Thirdly, a survey was administered so as to ecilit the subjects´ responses of the proposal of the career approaches and their comments. Random sempling was adopted and subjects were 3136 individuals of principals, directors of academic affairs, student affairs, general affairs, and counseling centers, teachers and students in the third grade of the junior high schools. Lastly, based on the responses and comments of the questionaire, the proposal revised and a draft of "Career Guidance Plan in the Junior High School" was developed.