National Taiwan Normal University
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24 publication date:Jun, 1991
Effectiveness of Counseling Skill Training and Relationships Amon Level of Counseling Skill, Helpee´s Self-engagement and Counseling Outcome
    Author:Ping-Hwa Chen
Research Article

 The purposes of this study were to determine the effectiveness of a counseling skill training course and to examine the relationships among level of counseling skill, helpees´ selt-involvement and counseling outcome. 24 university students majored in counseling enrolled in a 32 hours´ counseling practicum course served as the experimental group. Another 19 non-enrolled students were the control group. A post-test counseling response scale was administed to examine the difference between the two groups on levels of counseling skills. Each enrolled student conducted four individual counseling sessions. The levels of counseling skills were evaluated to detect the differences across counseling sessions. A correlational analysis was done to explore relationships among counseling skills, helpees´ self-involvement, and counseling outcome. Major findings in this study were: no significant difference was shown on levels of counseling skills between enrolled and non-enrolled students, as well as differences across four counseling sessions. Results showed tendencies that the counseling administed course improved the levels of relational buildilg counseling skills, and minimized differences among enrolled subjects on levels of the relational skills. The similar results did´nt appear on those advanced counseling skills. Relational skills were highly correlated with all the counseling skills, and helpees´ self-involvement. A high positive correlation existed between confrontation skill, helplees´ self-involvement, and counseling outcome. Finally, defects in measurment and research methods were differences and suggestion about the counseling skill training program was raised.


A Study of the Relations between Vocational Interests and Personality

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