National Taiwan Normal University
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24 publication date:June, 1991
A Study of the Relationship between College Students´ Academic Performance and Their Cognitive Style, Metacognition, Motivational and Self-Regulated Factors
    Author:張景媛(Ching-Yuan Chang)
Research Article

 The purposes of this study were: (1) to understand the relationship between cognitive style, motivational and self-regulated factors, academic performance and predicted scores; (2) to compare the difference of cognitive style, motivational and self-regulated factors among the students with different academic performance; (3) to analyze the difference of cognitive style, motivational and self-regulated factors between two groups with high and low predicted scores; (4) to explore the difference of coinitive style, motivational and self-regulated factors, and academic performance between two groups with correctly and incorrectly predicted scores. The subjects were 130 students drawn from Normal Taiwan Normal University. All of them were administered by Hidden Figure Test, Learning Motivation Questionnaire, and Academic Test. The data were analyzed by product-moment correlation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, one-way MANOVA, and Hotelling T^2. The findings were as follows: (1) Self-efficacy, internal value, strategy application, self-regulation and academic performance and correlation with predicted scores; whereas, cognitive style did not have correlation with the other variables. (2) There were no differences in cognitive style scores among students with high, medium, and low academic performance; whereas there were differences in motivational and self-regulated factors among them. (3) There were no differences in cognitive style scores between the two groups with high and low predicted scores; however, there were differences in motivational and self-regulated factors between them. (4) There were no differences in cognitive style scores, motivational and self-regulated factors between the guoups with correctly and incorrectly predicted scores; on the contrary, there were differences in academic performance between them.


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