National Taiwan Normal University
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23 publication date:Jun, 1990
A Discriminant Analysis of Teacher Burnout Based on Teacher Stresses and Professional Attitudes
    Author:郭生玉 Sheng-Yu Kuo
Research Article

 The present study was designed to discriminant teacher burnout based on teacher stresses and professional attitudes. The total sample consisted of 1077 elementary, junior and senior high school teachers. They completed the Teacher Burnout Inventory, the Teacher Stress Questionnaire, and the Professional Attitude Scale. The data was analyzed by discriminant analysis. The main findings were as follows: 1. For elementary, junior and senior school teachers, six teacher stresses and five teachers´ professional attitudes could be used to distinguish high burnout teachers and low burnout teachers effectively on emotional exhaustion, personal accomplishment and depersonalization scale. The proportion of correct classification were about 73% to 86%. 2. For elementary, junior and senior school teachers, six teacher stresses and five teachers´ professional attitudes could be used to discriminant high burnout teachers and low burnout teachers effectively based on total scores of teacher burnout inventory. The proportion of correct classification were about 81% to 91%.



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