National Taiwan Normal University
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23 publication date:Jun, 1990
Ego Identity and Subculture Changes over a Five-Year Period: A Case of Students from Two Teachers´ Universities
    Author:何英奇 Ying-Chyi Ho
Research Article

 The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes of ego identity and subculture among university students over five years by using 7 scales. Subjects are 130 students drawn from two teachers´ universities in 1989. The data were compared with those of a similiar study conducted in 1984 by this author, using the same instruments. The result show significant changes after five years. The findings are as follows: 1. The degree of identity crisis among subjects increased, but not statistically significant yet. 2. Subjects placed greater emphasis on economic and social values, materialism, but less on aesthetic value, peaceful family life, and social welfare. 3. As for attitudes toward achievement, the students placed greater emphasis on social relations than on competence and traditional work ethics. 4. As for attitudes toward vocational choices, the students placed greater emphasis on income than on contribution to society. 5. The degree of their trust in government and pride in their Chinese identity declined, and that of the wish to go abroad to study enhanced. 6. For leisure, activities such as watching video-tapes, dancing and playing bridge have become more popular, whereas reading and watching movie have become less so than before. The changes in the students´ subculture reflect the status of social change n Taiwan over the past five years.


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