The purpose of the study was to investigate the opinions regarding teaching qualifications, training system, training institute, professional credits and testing, teaching practicum and government finance of education. The subjects included teachers of universities, repesentatives, educational administrators, teachers of primary and secondary schools, university students, and students of Normal Universities. Nine thousand two hundred and seven subjects were selected by stratified sampling. Five thousand six hundred nad thirty-one questionnaires were returned. The return rate was 61.16%. The questionnaire was developed by some educational specialists and scholars. There were twelve items included on the questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by X^2 and percentile.
The findings of the research were as follows: 1. Primary school teachers emphasized the importance of general knowledge, whereas secondary school teachers emphasized professional ability. 2.41.7% of the responders agreed with establishing a professional teacher system (ie. students of Normal Universities should study the professional subjects and pass the testing of teaching practicum, in order to become qualified teachers.). 3.75.6% of the responders felt that senior high school teachers should be trained at the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), and that secondary school teachers should be trained at the NTNU and the National Kaushong Normal College. 74.97% of the responders contended that primary school teachers should be trained at the newly-established Normal Colleges.