This report was a part of the results of a research project aimed at standardizing Bayley´s Scales of Infant Development and trying to estabelsh devlopmental norms for Chinese infants Mental scale of Bayle´y´s Scales of Infant Development was used to measure the mental abilities of 960 infants who were divided into 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months age groups, 120 subjtcts in each age group. The purpose of this study was to under stand the major Characteristics of mental developoment of infants The knowledge derived from this study could be very useful in infant care and inclinical investigations. Tthe following results were found.
1. There was no significant differences between sex regarding to mental development of the subjects.
2. The scores measured by Mental Scale of Bayley´s Scales of Infant Development incresed along with subjects´ age in a linear fashion.
3. The percentages of the subjects´ passing each item of the Mental Scale were also increasing along with their age in a linear fashion.