National Taiwan Normal University
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21 publication date:Jun, 1988
A Report on the Revision of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children(K-ABC)
    Author:盧欽銘 Ching-Ming Lu, 黃堅厚 Chien-Hou Hwang, 路君約 Chun-Yo Lu, 林清山 Chen-Shan Lin, 簡茂發 Maw-Fa Chien, 吳武典 Wu-Tien Wu, 吳鐵雄 Tieh-Hsiung Wu
Research Article

 The purpose of this research was to revise the K-ABC for children from age two and half to age twelve and half. It is a two-year project. In the first year project, the test items were selected based on the results of the carefully designed pre-testing. In this second year, the test standardization and its follow-up research were Conducted. The Normative groups, sampled in reference of age, sex. geograjshic regior, sorid economic status, and urban-rural residewe, consisted of 1600 children from age 3 and age 12. Data obtained during test standardization were used to Constuct test Norms. The revised test, examined in terms of reliability and validity was found to be an useful instrument for Measuring the intelligence and achievement.


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