National Taiwan Normal University
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21 publication date:Jun, 1988
Teachers´ Perception Toward Helping Behavior of the Male Mentally Retarded from Junior High Schools
    Author:蘇清守 Ching-Shoou Su
Research Article

 The purpose of this study is to investigate the helping behavior of the male educable mentally retarded from junior high schools.Both emergency andnon-emergency situations were deviced, and 52 special class teachers were asked to evaluate the response of their male students if they met these situations The same number of regular class teachers was asked to evaluate their normal students. 

The main findings were as follows: 1. They revealed that the correlation coefficient was positive between cognition and affections, cognition and action, and affections and action. But the former´s was much higher than the two latters´. They also revealed that the correlation between cognition and action was affected by situational variables. There was low relation between general deontic judgment and specific helping action. 

2. The helping behavior of the mentally retarded belonged to affectional orientation, while that of the regular students belonged to cognitional orientation. All of them accepted the concept of "helping behavior as the universal norm." 

3. The helping decision was deeply affected by (1) reciprocity behavior, and in-group affiliation between the recipient and the helper; (2) help seeking behavior of the person in need; (3) foot-in-the-door phenomenon, and observation of altruistic behavior of the helper; and (4) instructions of the teachers. 

4. The helping motivation of most of educable mentally retarded was mutual reciprocity and interests, and personal norm and conscience. 

5. Most students adopted the direct method of helping in non-emergency situation, and the indirect method in emergency situation. 

6. Three-fourths of the mildly retarded suffered empathic pain when they met the person in distress. Almost half of them felt guilty if they didn´t extend help to him. And reinforcement to the help was helpful for the next helping behavior. Finally, some suggestions about positive moral education were proposed.


College Students´ Sense of Responsibility and Ego Identity: An Ethical Analysis of Erikson´s Ego Identity of Youth

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