The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between teacher burnout and teacher background variables. The sample for the study included approximately fire hundred junior high school classroom teachers. They were administered a Teacher Burnout Inventory and a questionnare of teacher background variables. The data was analyzed by Pearson product-moment correlation, the stepwise multiple regression, and multivariate analysis of variance. The major findings of the study were: (1) The teacher burnout inventory was found to have appropriate construct validity and reliability in the Chinese cultural setting. (2) Among the teacher background variables, only three variables, type of school area, age, teaching experiences, have yield statistically significant but low relationships with teacher burnout. (3) Five teacher background variables could predict effectively the teacher burnout, but not powerful predictors. (4) The multivariate analysis of variance indicated that there were significant differences in sex, age, type of school area, teacher duty, and teaching experiences on the scale of teacher burnout. (5) Younger teachers in comparison with older teachers were inclined to express perceptions of burnout; teachers who have shorter teaching experiences tended to demonstrate perceptions of. greater burnout than those teachers who have longer teaching experiences. (6) Teachers in rural area were inclined to express greater burnout than teachers in urban area; teachers with school administration were inclined to feel greater sense of personal accomplishment than those teachers with no school administration.