The purpose of this experiment was to examine the relationship between AL (Anxiety Level) and RT (Resistance to Temptation). According to the escape training and avoidance conditioning, the escape or avoidance behavior was aroused by the fear of organism to that event, either signaled or not; and the distance of organism to that event was determined by the strength of the fear. Therefore, two hypotheses were given to be tested: (1) A negative correlation existed between AL and RT; (2) A significant difference existed between AL11, and RT. The two hypotheses were confirmed in the test self-rating situation, (1) p<0.02, (2) p<0.01, respectively. And in order to eliminate the effect other than AL, the TRS (Teacher’s Rating Score) was kept constant, and tested, and the combination effect of variance of AL and TRS on RT was also tested. Both were found to be significant (p<0.02) and high (R=.7421, p<0.05). Therefore it was further assumed an interaction might exist between ALIIL and TRS11 on RT (p<0.001).