Analytical Studies of the Attitudes of Junior High School Students Toward the Issues of Ability Grouping Instructional Programs Author:張春興 Chun-Hsing Chang
Research Article
The purpose of the studies were t investigate the attitudes of junior high school atudents toward the issues of ability grouping of students based of different criteria in instructional programs. A questionnaire with 20 questions administered to asample of 5,000 students of eighth and ninth graders drawed from 100 junior high schools. The major findings of the studies were (1) There was no significant difference between two sections concerning their educational goals. Most of the students in two sections wanted to go to senior high schools after graduation. (2) Students´ attitudes in the first section showed more positive reactions toward school than students in the second section. (3) Students in the first section had better relations with their teachers; they felt that they were more liked by their teachers than their counterparts in the second section. The problems concerning ability prouping were disscussed.