National Taiwan Normal University
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18 publication date:Jun, 1985
Experiment Study on Junior High Students´ Test-Wiseness and Risk Taking
    Author:吳鐵雄 Tieh-Hsiung Wu
Research Article

 The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between teaching of the principles of item construction grade and test-wiseness (TW) and risk taking (RT). And this research also explores the relationships between self concept and the two testing behaviors. The subjects of 787 students were selected from two junior high schools in Taipei city. There were 274. 255. and 248 first. second. and third year students, respectively. Subjects were randomly assigned to the experiment group and control group. The students of the experiment group were given a short instruction of the matterial related to the principles of item construction, while students of the control group were not. About three days after the instruction, both groups were given Standard Educational Intelligence Test for testing students´ TW and RT. The main findings of the study are: 1. Teaching of the principles of item construction improves students´ score on TW, but does not necessarily increase risk taking. 2. For the experiment group, there is evidence that the higher the grade, the higher the average TW score. 3. There is no substantial relationship between self concept and students´ TW and RT. 


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