This is a survey study by using the questionaires to interview 504 mothers whose infants are from birth to one year old. The object of the study is to know how mothers take care of their infants. We selected six items to discuss. The items are the sleep habits of infants; the diet patterns of infants; the health of infants; the cry of infants; the toilet training of infants and the feeling of mothers etc. In this study, frequency, percentage and chi-square were used in the statistics and analysis of deta. Sex and socio-economic level were two factors to discuss. Results show that most of mothers won´t change their attitude to take care of their infants according to the different baby´s sex. But on the items of the mothers´ feeling, we find that Chinese tradition affects the mothers´ idea deeply. Chinese mothers like the boy more than the girl. Otherwise we find socio-economic level is a very important factor to the study. On accouent of the different occupations and educations of moth ers, the high socio-economic level mothers used the new methods to take care of their babys more than the low socio-economic level mothers did, and the low soico-economic level mothers always used the traditional ways to care their babys. We can understand it from these items-the infants´ habit of pre-sleeping, the additive´s giving, the baby´s physical examination and the attitude of mothers to the infants´ falling, crying and toilet training.