National Taiwan Normal University
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17 publication date:May, 1984
The Effects of Modeling Vs Verbal Instruction on Motor Skill Development and Cognitive Acquisition of Mental Retarded Children
    Author:毛國楠 Kuo-Nan Mao
Research Article

 The study was to compare the effects of modeling, verbal instruction and modeling plus verbal instruction on motor skill development and cognitive acqusition among mental retarded children. Seventy-two subjects from three age levels with mean IQ of 57.74 and CA of 9.72 years were obtained. A 3(grades)×3(types of experimental treatment)×4(trials)repeated measures design was used. The subjects´ performance on the two tasks involving putting electric wires in a plug with a screwdrive and assembing a rabbit picture was examined. The results were as followed. (1) Modeling plus verbal instruction proved to be significantly more effective than the other two. (2)There was a significant effect of trials on the performance of the two tasks. (3)No significant difference in cognitive acquisition was found among the three age levels, but there was a significant difference in motor skill performance between the first and the third age levels.


Parent-Child Relationship of Chinese Gifted Children

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