National Taiwan Normal University
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16 publication date:Dec, 1983
The Effectiveness of Sepecial Emphasis of Teachers Educational Programs on Students´ Attitudes in National Taiwan Normal University
    Author:張春興 Chun-Hsing Chang
Research Article

The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between the students´ attitudes toward the teachers educational proram and the special emphasis of these programs laid by the university and educational administration designed to enhance students´ professional training qualities. A questionnaire was adiminstered to a sample of 1263 students drawed from National Taiwan Normal University. the qestionnaire included 58 items concerning asking studets´ willingness to be teachers in the future, interesting in educational curriculums offered by the university, attitudes toward free education for student teachers, etc. The major findings of the study was as followings: (1) There were significant differences found among colleges. the sutdents´ attitudes in the college of education showed more postitive reactions than other colleges. (2) It was less than a half of the sample intended to be teachers in the futrue. (3) Students´ interests in educational curriculums tended to decrease with the increase of universtiy years. (4) Female students showed more positive attitudes than male students. (5) According to students´ reactions, free education for student teachers was not necessary. The prombles concerning teachers education were discussed.




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