The purposes of this study were to investigate peer relationships ofschool children and to find out factors influencing peer interaction amongthem. Seventy-six fourth graders, seventy-four fifth graders, and seventy-eight sixth graders from one elementary school in Taipei City were selectedas subjects. A sociometric test,the Chinese Revision of the California Testof Personality, and the Test of Parental Attitudes toward Child-rearingPractices by P.C.Lai were administered to the subjects in regular classroomsettings. The obtained data were statistically treated by the stepwisemultiple regression technique. The main findings of the study were as follows: 1. Academic achievement of school children was the most important factorinfluencing peer interaction among them. 2. All measures of the factors covered in this study could account for the44% to 55% of the variation in sociometric scores of the fourth,thefifth ,and the sixth graders.