The purposes of this study are intended to investigate the data of employmentfor the M•R persons who have received special education program inTaiwan, R. O. C. Some of the major information concerned are the variouskinds of job, wages, yages, years on the jobs, unemployments, and so forth. Inaddition, the influences of the client´s IQ and age to their empl-oyments willalso be discussed. The subjects studied consist of 1227 MR persons who graduated from special classes of 47 junior high schools from 1973 to 1982.A simple questionaire is sent to them individually by mail or by their teachers. The IQ ranges of the cases is from 32 to 85 with an average of 63, their ages are from 16 to 29 with an average of 19. Finally, some of the major results and suggestions confronting voca-tionaleducation and employment for the MR persons are presented