The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in physique and physical fitness between Chinese gifted children and average children. The total number of subjects are 421 gifted children and 457 average children in grades 4,6, and 8 selected from four elementary schools and three junior high schools. The main findings of the study were as follows: 1. The body height, sitting height, and the length of lower limbs of the gifted children are almost taller than the average children. But the weights between the gifted children and average children are not so consistent as the difference of body height. 2. The muscular power (standing long jump) of the gifted children are all a little greater than the average children. 3. Most of the gifted children have better records of agility (shuttle run), flexibility (sit-up), speed (50meter spint), and endurance (endurance run)than the average children. But there is no appreciable difference between the two groups. 4. There is only a slight difference of muscular strength (flexed-arm-hanging) between the gifted children and average children. but the musclar strength(pullups) of the average students are markedly better than the students in tne second year of junior high school. 5. The throw ability (soft-ball tor distance) of the gifted boys in fourth grade and gifted girls in fourth and sixth grades are better than the average boys and girls in the same grades. But contrarily the throw ability of the average girls in ninth grade and boys in sixth and ninth grades are better than the gifted girls and boys in the same grades.