The purposes of this study were to investigate the relationships between family contacts with the school and pupils´ achievement and adjustment. The subjects consisted of 86 pupils from two classes in grade 5 in Hualien city, Taiwan, R.O.C. The family contacts of each pupil´s parents were being observed and recorded according to a Family Contact Blank for a period of two semesters and were then transferred into an evaluation form indicating the degree of contacts. The subjects were all taking the Revised California Mental maturity Scale (Form Ⅱ), Pupil Academic Achievement Test, Learning Attitude Inventory, Achievement Motivation Questionnaire, Intellectual Academic Responsibility Questionnaire, Barclay Classroom Climate Inventory (only the Self-Competency Scale, the Attitudes toward Sohool Scale, and the Effort/Motivation Scale were used), and the Pupil Personality Test. By means of correlational analysis and one-way ANCOVA with the intelligence as covariate, the results showed that: (1) There were significant positive correlations between family contacts and pupils´ academic achievement, learning attitides, achievement motivation, effort/motivation, attitudes toward school, selfcompetency, and personality adjustment (r=.28~.74); (2) As the intelligence variable was controlled, the higher contact group was superior to the less contact group in those variables mentioned above. It was evident that the degree of family contacts with the school was closely related to children´s academic achievement and psychological adjustment