The main purpose of this study was to investigate the variant trends of parental childrearing practices through the perception of children. Another purpose was to find out the relationships between the parental child-rearing practices and the presonality development of children. 2112 young pupils from grade 1 through grade 9 in two elementary schools and two junior high schools in Taipei area were sampled as subjects. All of them were given parent child relation questionnaire in the first year. And than subjects in the 1st, 4th and 7th grades were administered Tennessee self-concept scale, children´s internal-external control scale, emotional maturity scale as well as PCRQ next year. The findings were: 1). Parental demanding perceived by children decreased steadyly with age, parental casual had no significant difference in grades and parental loving didn´t show a consistent trend in all 9 grades. 2). There were no significant difference between the parental child-rearing parctices of boys and those of girls, but boys perceived more parental demanding and direct-object punishment than girls did. 3). There were significant correlations between the parental child-rearing practices and the belief of internality, self concepts, emotional maturity and the behavioral problems of children.