Actual and Perceived Attitudes of Adolescents and Adults Toward Contemporary Issues: A Study of the "Generation Gap" in Chinese Society Author:張春興 Chung-Hsing Chang
Research Article
The purpose of the study was to investigate the phenomenon of "generation gap" in modern Chinese society. A questionaire of 50 statements concerning contemporary issues was administered to an adolescent group of 640 high school and college students and an adult group of 74 parents and high school teachers. The subjects were asked first to respond to each statement in terms of their own attitudes, and second to respond in terms of how they expected other group would to answer the same statement. The mean findings were: (1) Significant generational attitudes differences were found in the samples on 5 out of 50 statements in terms of their own actual attitudes. (2) In the respect of perceived attitudes, significant differences were found in the samples on 15 out of 50 statements. The results indicated that both the adults and adolescents tended to be traditionally oriented. The concept of "generation gap" has been overemphasized in our society.