National Taiwan Normal University
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13 publication date:Jun, 1980
A Survey on the Opinions about Corporal Punishment by Teachers, Students and Parents
    Author:陳榮華 Yung-Hwa Chen, 盧欽銘 Ching-Ming Lu, 洪有義 Yu-Yih Hung, 陳李綢 Li-Cou Chen
Research Article

 The purposes of this study are threefold: (1)to find the views on corporal punishment by teachers, students and parents in this country; (2)to investigate the forms of corporal punishment presently taken by teachers and their respective percentage; (3)to compare and analyze the views of corporal punishment by the Western countries and their ways of practicing corporal punishment. And basing on such comparison coupled with the result of this survey, a plausible and practicable scheme in proposed for corporal punishment so that the government may have reference basis in amending the relevant rules and that the function of education may be promoted. The subjects of this investigation are from twenty elementary and secondary schools of a city in Taiwan, including 1073 teachers; 1111 parents and 4582 students. Three sets of queitionnaires are provided, for teachers, parents and students respectively. The main items of these questionnaires are:(1)Favor or disfavor corporal punishment (2)The timing for practicing corporal punishment (3)The used of habitual forms of corporal punishment (4)The reasons for practicinng corporal punishment; and (5) The effects of corporal punishment. The result of this investigation reveals: 1. Most teachers (91%), parents (85%) and students (84%) think that as long as no injury is inflicted, proper corporal punishment is permissible. 2. Parents and teachers, 90% respectively, admit that they have been forced to practice corporal punishment, though it is not a usual practice. 3. Cognitively most teachers, parents and students regard exhortation as the better way to correct students´ misbehaviors. 4. The most salient reason for disciplining students or children is their misbehaviors. 5. Most teachers and parents think that if corporal punishment is prohibited by educational authorities, the obvious effect on the teachers´ attitudes would be "no more strict discipline on the students" 6. The most pervasive forms of corporal punishment suppoorted by teachers, parents and students are "palm swatting" "standing" and "extra homework." 7. Most teachers feel sad but calm when paddling students, but most parents feel very angry and very sad. 8. After paddling students, most teachers and parents feel themselves cruel, but some feel they have done their duty in discipline.



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