National Taiwan Normal University
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13 publication date:Jun, 1980
Affiliation Tendency and Sociometric Status
    Author:張文哲 Wen-Jer Chang
Research Article

 Two hundred seventy six boys and 287 girls were drawn from two junior high schools in Taipei, in order to study the relationships between affiliation tendency and sociometric status. It was found that: (1)Affiliation tendency was positively and linearly related to sociometric status for boys but not for girls. (2)For both boys and girls, high affiliators had more contacts with peers than low affiliators. (3)Affiliation tendecy was positively and linearly related to perceived sociometric status for boys but not for girls. (4)For both boys and girls, affiliation tendency was linearly related to self-perceived sociometric status and self-evaluation. But for girls, quadratic regression equation could explain more variance of self-evaluation. (5)Affiliation tendency was positively and linearly related to sense of lonliness for both boys and girls. (6)Similarity in affiliation tendency made no significant contribution to the variance of attraction for both boys and girls. (7)Sensitivity to rejection was positively and linearly related to sociometric status for boys but not for girls. (8)For both boys and girls, the interaction between affiliation tendency and sensitivity to rejection had no effect on sociometric status. The findings implied that the personality variables had differential effects upon junior high school boys and girls.



Relationship of Teachers´ Preference to Pupils´ Social Status, Achievement Motivation and Internal-External

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