National Taiwan Normal University
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12 publication date:Jun, 1979
A Study on the Factor Structure of R-WISC in China and Its Short Form for Chinese Subjects
    Author:范德鑫 Der-Hsin Fan
Research Article

The purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate the factor structure of Revised Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, (2) to determine whether the contributions of the individual R-WISC subtests to the total scale scores were of the same relative magnitude for the standardization samples of 8-, 10-, 12- and 14-year groups, and (3) to develop a short form of the R-WISC in Taiwan. The results can be summarized as follows: (1) The factors extracted from the data of the four age groups were not all similar. The factors at the 8-year group were identfied as verbal comprehension, perceptual motor and integral memory. However, only two factors, verbal comprehension and perceptual motor were identified at the other three age groups. (2) The contributions of the individual R-WISC subtets to the total scale scores were of different relative magnitude, Arithmetic and Vocabulary subtests had higher correlation with the total scale score, while Maze and Ceding had lower correlation with the total scale score. (3) The short forms of R-WISC which the author tried to develop f or each age level based on the factor loadings had very high correlation with the total scale (P<.01). Especially when the short forms composed six subtests with higher factor loadings, the multiple correlation coefficients are greater than .97 at all age levels.




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