National Taiwan Normal University
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11 publication date:Jun, 1978
Test Anxiety as Independent Variable and Dependent Variable: Trait-Test-Anxiety and State-Test-Anxiety
    Author:林清山 Chen-Shan Lin
Research Article

 Forty-eight undergraduates, classified into groups HL (High achievement motivation & tote trait-test-anxiety), HH, LL and LH by means of CPI and TTA (Trait-test-anxiety Questionnaire), were sued as subjects, to investigate the relationship between personality measures and indices of state-teat-anxiety. The state-test-anxiety was operationally defined by measures of EKG and GSR assessed during laboratory "Digit Span" testing, and STA (State-test-anxiety Questionnaire) score obtained immediately after the termination of each experiment session. The results of multivariate analysis of variance and canonical correlation analysis showed: (1) that there was no interaction effect between Achievement Motivation and Trait test-anxiety; (2) that there was no predicted difference between high motivation group and low motivation group, or- bight anxiety group and low anxiety group; and (3) that there was no significant canonical correlation between the pattern of personality measures and the pattern of state-test-anxiety indices, It was thus infered that personality measures were not the important deter minants of state-test-anxiety. Since there was no significant positive correlation between GSR measures and STA scores, it was suggested that the state-test-anxiety must be further classified into two parts, the physiological component objectively measured during testing and the physiological component objectively perceived and reported by subject immediately after testing.



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