National Taiwan Normal University
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444 publication date:Jun, 2013
The Effects of Using Graphic Organizers in Reducing Seductive-Details Effect
    Author:Hui-Chan Tsai, Huei-Min Wu
Research Article

 Previous studies have reported that the inclusion of interesting details that are related but not directly relevant to the learning material (i.e. seductive details) was often at the expense of learning important or target material. The major purposes of the present study were to examine whether the use of graphic organizer (GO) would eliminate the seductive details effects and whether the inclusion of seductive details (SD) had a positive effect on students’ learning interest and learning time.  The participants were 207 fourth grade students. The target learning material was a passage (T) about insects. The participants were randomly assigned to one of the following conditions: (a) watched a video, and then read the target material (SD+T), (b) viewed a graphic organizer, and then watched a video followed by reading the target material (SD+GO+T), (c) watched a video, and then read the target material followed by viewing a graphic organizer (SD+T+GO), (d) viewed a graphic organizer followed by reading the target material (GO+T), (e) read the target material followed by viewing a graphic organizer (T+GO), or (f) only read the target material (Control). After reading the passage, students completed a learning interest scale and a quiz.  The major findings are as follows: First, the present study supported the seductive details effect (i.e. including interesting but not directly relevant details hindered learners’ reading comprehension). Second, the inclusion of graphic organizers mitigated but did not eliminate the seductive-details effect. Third, providing seductive details had no significant effect on learning interest. Finally, the inclusion of seductive details led to less time committed to read the target material.


關鍵詞: graphic organizers, seductive details effect

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