National Taiwan Normal University
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08 publication date:Jun,1975
Internal-External Control and Adjustment Problens among College Students
    Author:洪有義 Yu-Yih Hung
Research Article

 To investigate the relationship between locus of control and adjustment problems, 275 college students were given both the Rotter´s I-E Scale and the Mooney Problem Check List (College Form). In addition, the subjects scoring higher than one standar deviation of mean on I-E Scale were considered as the external control group (ECG) and those scoring lower than one standard deviation of mean were the internal control group (ICG). Those students whose scores and the mean on I-E Scale were of a standard deviation of ±.30 were considered as moderate control group (MCG). The subjects were classified into three groups as mentioned above, each consisting of 40 students (20males and 20 females). The results indicated (1) ECG reported more total problems of concern than ICG and MCG. but no significant differences between ICG and MCG and no significant sex differences were found, (2) the finding of this study, which indicates that the higher the scores of externality are, the more the problems are among all subjects, is suggestive of a linear rather than U-shaped curvilinear relationship between locus of control and adjustment, (3) the major problem areas of ICG were "Social and Recreational Activities," "Adjustment to College Work," "Curriculum and Teaching Procedure," "Personal-Psychological Relations," and "Social-Psychological Relation"; the major problem areas of MCG were "Adjustment to College Work," "Social and Recreatioral Activities," "Curriculum and Teaching Procedure," "Personal-Psychological Relations," and "Health and Physical Development"; the major problem areas of ECG were "Adjustment to College Work," "Social and Recreational Activities," "Curriculum and Teaching Procedure," "SocialPsychological Relations," and "Personal-Psychological Relations."


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